BC Rugby League Standings – April 7th 2024

BC Rugby League Standings for Men’s Premier, Premier Reserve, Div 1, Div 2, Div 3, Women’s Premier, Div 1, Div 2

Thanks to Peter Muirhead who put together these league tables for the weekend ending April 7th 2024.

Tables ordered by points per game. Note these are the unofficial standings, the official competition page is maintained by the BCRU. We’ve appended Peter’s explanatory notes at the end of the article.

Men Premier

Men Premier Reserve

Men Div 1

Men Div 2

Men Div 3

Women Premier

Women Div 1

Women Div 2

Peter’s Explanatory Notes

There are a number of games in which the referees have not recorded a score. I was able to track them down. Thanks to all who reported a score.

I have added the playoff potential match-ups based on the current standings. These will change with the remaining games and if any teams opt out of the playoffs.

The BC Rugby website has added a point ratio which will be used for playoff seeding. However the standings remain sorted by total points and not the points ratio. The BC Rugby standing also does not apply the tie-breaking criteria.

I understand the Men’s Premier game Westshore @ UVic was abandoned and I don’t know how it will be handled.

There are a few games that are still listed ‘cancelled’ and I assume are waiting to be rescheduled:

Mens Division 3:
Kelowna @ Bayside (27Jan2024)
Nanaimo @ Castaways (27Jan2024)
Castaways @ Nanaimo (10Feb2024)
Kelowna @ Scribes (02Mar2024)
Capilano @ Comox (06Apr2024)

Womens Division 2:
Kelowna @ United (27Jan2024)
Kelowna @ Scribes (02Mar2024)

There is one game that I believe is still recorded incorrectly. Womens Division 2: Cowichan @ Nanaimo (14Oct2023) – listed as default (20-0 bonus point win for Nanaimo) but a game was played so in should either be the game score or a conceded game (20-0 without bonus pt).

If there are any corrections to be made to the standing clubs must let the BC Rugby office know. They will not look into differences based on these standings.

Posted in BC Premier, Front Page.