MLR in BC Survey – 10 Day Results

MLR in BC – Early Survey Results

We ran a survey on May 1st about an MLR team in BC, we had 236 respondents and here are the results. You’ll notice a permanent link in the right column on the home page as we’ll continue to monitor survey results during the year and provide updates, the next update will come when we reach 500 entries. We’ll also do a draw at the end of each month for a Gilbert TR4000 rugby ball.

The graphs are appended below but this is the text summary.

95% of respondents would like to see an MLR team in BC, the other 5% were split between Not Sure and No. The respondents were 90% from BC and 10% were outside of BC. In choosing a home stadium, Swangard Stadium was the most popular at 39%, 2nd was Thunderbird Stadium at 23%, 3rd was Starlight Stadium at 20%, the remaining 18% was split between Exhibition Stadium in Abbotsford, Willoughby in Langley and Other. Other included the idea of moving games around between mainland and island, Brockton or Bayside with added stands, SFU.

In terms of travelling to games 40% chose under 60 minutes, 26% under 30 minutes and 25% would accept a 90+ minute commute. 39% said they would attend the occasional game, 32% would attend most games and 25% said they would buy season tickets. 5% indicated they wouldn’t attend games.

In terms of currently watching MLR games on live stream or TV it was a 67/33 split with 67% indicating they do currently follow MLR matches.

The survey link is here.

Posted in Editorials.

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