Bayside Sharks – September 2020

Bayside RFC Launch New 10 Week Bayside Touch Rugby League

Bayside RFC in South Surrey is back on the pitch.

Bayside were one of the first rugby clubs to complete the required phase 2 and 3 sanctioning process and have recently conducted a 2 day youth rugby training camp where nearly 40 kids eagerly signed up for the socially distanced rugby skills camp.

First of its kind in BC, Bayside was the test club for new safety protocols and systems offer a rugby product in these new times we live in.

Now it’s time to launch the new Bayside Touch Rugby League. Through the creation of bubble leagues for players to safely compete in leagues our first season will see 7 separate in-house Touch Rugby Leagues offering players the chance to safely get back on the pitch.

Each league will consist of a maximum of 4 teams of 12 with a maximum of 48 players in that bubble. The Leagues include Mini’s aged U7-U12, U15 Boys, U17 Boys, U16 Girls, U19 Girls, Social Coed and an Elite Coed league.

International Touch rugby rules will be followed using referees. Round robin play followed by playoffs will see the competition play out over 10 weeks.

Bayside sees this new fun, safe and inclusive rugby product as a additional offering for our community to get back on the pitch. With the plan to add additional seasons, Bayside see this as a winning opportunity to get people engaged and back on the pitch once again enjoying one of the most all inclusive sports available in Canada.

Posted in BC Rugby.