James Bay and Rowers Renew Historic Rivalry on Saturday with Three Matches at MacDonald Park
from John de Goede
Two of British Columbias oldest sporting organizations will renew a rivalry that started in 1908 this Saturday, February 12th.
Both JBAA and VRC were established as athletic organizations in 1886. JBAA was playing rugby right from the start while Vancouver Rowing Club began playing in 1908 as a way for its rowers to stay fit year-round. The first game played by the Vancouver Rowers was against their rowing rivals the James Bay Athletic Association.
The two clubs have met yearly in a rugby match since 1908 with the exception of the War Years. This year we add another exception, as two years without games have slid by as a result of the pandemic. Both clubs look forward to renewing sporting friendships.
The last time the clubs met was Saturday February 29th, 2020. VRC won the Ferguson Cup 21-12 and JBAA won the Cox Cup 47-17. Games were played at the Mac.
This years Cup Competitions sees a Womens match added for the first time. The JBAA Bettys will take on the Rowers for a Cup still to be named.
In 1938, VRC member A.H. Cox donated a challenge cup for the winning team to hold for the year. The Cox Cup has made many journeys back and forth across the waters since then. In true rugby spirit, no record has been kept on wins and losses, holding the cup the year you win is all thats important. Currently JBAA hold the Cox Cup.
This years games will be played at historic MacDonald Park in Victoria (205 Simcoe).
The Womens teams will play at 11:30 A Cup will be awarded, the name to be confirmed.
The Reserve teams will play at 12:45 pm; competing for the Ferguson Cup.
The Premier teams will play at 2:30 pm for the Cox Cup
The Trophy Presentation will take place post game outside the JBAA Club rooms (205 Simcoe).