What’s on This Weekend: NZ 7s on CBC Sports, CanWest 7s on CanWestTV, UBC host CWU, UVic Intersquad Match
There are a few rugby events on this weekend for watching, obviously, the NZ 7s on CBC Sports. That kicks off at 12:10pm PST on Friday with the Canada men taking on South Africa.
On Saturday, UBC are hosting CWU (Central Washington University), that kickoff is at 1pm. Details are on the CWU website.
UVic have an intersquad match for the Graham Clark Memorial Shield. That match is at Wallace at noon.
The CanWest women’s 7s series starts on Saturday in Edmonton under the dome. The series includes UVic, UBC, TWU, Alberta, Brandon, Lethbridge, Calgary, Regina. The schedule and link to CanWest TV is here. Kickoff for first match is 9am PST.
The BCRU also has Comox hosting Port Alberni at 1pm. That match is at Cumberland Village Park.
Next weekend sees the resumption of BC club leagues with the exception of Premier which starts Feb 4th.