BC School Sports High School Rugby Rankings – Week of May 13th
The latest Rugby XVs rankings for the AAA and AA schools are out and show some changes from the previous rankings.
In Boys AAA there’s no change to the top 5: St. George’s, Shawnigan, Carson Graham, Oak Bay and Kelowna. G.W. Graham fell from #6 to #10 and Elgin Park have gone from unranked to #6, Cowichan also made a huge jump coming in unranked to #7. Mt. Boucherie remains at #8 while Claremont have risen from #10 to #9.
In Boys AA the top 3 remain unchanged: Collingwood, Robert Bateman, Earl Marriott. Brentwood have displaced St. Michaels as #4 with SMUS falling to #6. Argyle have risen from #7 to #5, bumping Sir Charles Tupper to the #7 spot. Rockridge jumps a spot from #9 to #8 and D.W. Poppy drops to #9. Byrne Creek makes its first appearance on the rankings at #10.
In Girls AAA Gleneagle, Yale, G.P. Vanier, Cowichan have all moved up a spot and dropped previous #1 W.J. Mouat into 5th place. Mt. Boucherie have moved up from 10th to 6th spot, dropping Dr. Charles Best to #8. Carson Graham retains its #7 ranking. Lord Tweedsmuir and Rutland drop a spot to take #9 and #10 respectively.
In Girls AA there’s no change to the rankings with the top 3 remaining Shawnigan, D.W. Poppy and Mark Isfeld.